Install RabbitMQ on Windows
RabbitMQ is also known as message queueing technology or message broker. It's an open source message broker. Simply stated: it is program that determines queues and which applications connect to send messages or messages. Any kind of information can be given in a message. The RabbitMQ server is written in the Erlang programming language and is built on the Open Telecom Platform framework for clustering and failover.
RabbitMQ Tutorial :
Steps to install Rabbitmq
First, goto Erlang and click on Windows Binary File as given below:Now double click on downloaded otp_win64_22.1.exe.
Click on Next
Click on Install
Erlang installation is now completed, click on Close.
Goto RabbitMQ Home Page, click on Windows Installer as shown in screenshot.
Download rabbitmq server .exe as shown in screenshot.
Double click on downloaded rabbitmq-server-3.8.1.exe and click on Next.
Click on Install
Click on Next.
Click on Finish and installation will complete.
Now will start Rabbitmq server from command prompt, goto rabbitmq server
path where it gets installed. In my case it's in C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.8.1\sbin
rabbitmq-server start
Next we will set up the RabbitMQ plugin by using below command, to use the RabbitMQ Management Console from Web Browser.
rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
Goto http://localhost:15672, you see login page, use guest as username and password.
Now you can see RabbitMQ Consol Management.
After setting the RabbitMQ at local, you can try RabbitMQ Example and Spring Cloud Stream with RabbitMQ Example.