Essential GraphQL Interview Questions and Answers (2024) | TechGeekNext

Essential GraphQL Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

  1. Q: What is GraphQL?
  2. Q: Is GraphQL a database?
  3. Q: What are the features/advantages of GraphQL?
  4. Q: What is a Resolver in GraphQL?

Q: What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is an open source server-side technology developed by Facebook to optimize RESTful API calls, it is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.

Q: Is GraphQL a database?

GraphQL is often confused with a database technology. GraphQL is a query language for APIs, not databases.

Q: What are the features/advantages of GraphQL?

  1. A need for more efficient data loading has been created by increased mobile use.
  2. A variety of different clients: REST makes it difficult to create an API that meets their needs as it returns a fixed data structure.
  3. Requirements for faster feature development: To make a change on the client side of REST, we always have to modify the server side to accommodate it which slows down product iterations.
  4. Great fit for complex systems and microservices.
  5. Fetching data with a single API call.
  6. No over- and under-fetching problems.
  7. Tailoring requests to your needs.
  8. Validation and type checking out-of-the-box.
  9. API evolution without versioning.
  10. Code-sharing: GraphQL fields used in different queries may be shared at a higher component level for re-use.

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Q: What is a Resolver in GraphQL?

In GraphQL, a resolver is being used to handle queries and produce a response to the GraphQL query.

greeting:() => {
   return "Hello !!!"

books:() => db.books.list()

bookIdById:(root,args,context,info) => {
   return db.books.get(;

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