Top Bamboo Interview Questions (2024) | TechGeekNext

Bamboo Interview Questions (2024)

  1. What is Atlassian Bamboo?
  2. How does a Bamboo workflow work?
  3. What are Bamboo variables?
  4. What are Bamboo Plan variables?
  5. How to define a plan variable?
  6. How to perform an incident investigation in Bamboo?
  7. How do you make a CI CD pipeline in bamboo?
  8. What are Bamboo Plugins?
  9. What are various types of Bamboo Plugins?
  10. How to Deploy a Bamboo Plugin?
  11. How to Test your Bamboo plugin?
  12. What are Bamboo Plugins and what are the various types?
  13. How to schedule a bamboo job?
  14. How to configure Bamboo with Subversion?

Q: What is Atlassian Bamboo?

Atlassian Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) server. Bamboo helps software development teams by providing: automatic building and testing of software source-code state. build status (successful/failed)

Q: How does a Bamboo workflow work?

Bamboo configures and organizes the actions in the workflow using the concept of a 'plan' with 'jobs' and 'tasks'. Bamboo workflow


  1. By default, there is only one stage, but it can be used to group jobs into multiple stages.
  2. Performs a series of one or more stages using the same repository in a sequential order.
  3. Set the repository to use as a default.
  4. Defines how the build is triggered, as well as the triggering dependencies between both the plan and other project plans.
  5. Define how you want to be notified when the build is finished.
  6. Defines who has permission to the plan and its jobs, as well as who may view and modify them.
  7. The plan variables are defined here.


  1. Has a single job by default, but can be used to aggregate several jobs.
  2. Jobs are processed simultaneously by many agents (where available).
  3. It must successfully fulfil all of its tasks before moving on to the next.
  4. It is possible to process the Bamboo CI Server in the plan.
  5. It's possible that it'll create artifacts that can be used by a later step.

Bamboo workflow

  1. Processes a set of one or more tasks that are executed in a specific order on the same agent.
  2. The sequence in which tasks are completed is controlled by this variable.
  3. In Understanding, the Bamboo CI Server, collects individual task requirements so that they may be matched with agent capabilities.
  4. Defines the artifacts that will be produced by the build.
  5. Only artifacts created in a previous stage can be used.
  6. Specifies any labels that will be applied to the build result or build artifacts.


  1. Is a small discrete unit of work, like source code checkout, Maven goal execution, script execution, or test result parsing.
  2. Is executed in a job on a Bamboo working directory in a sequential manner.

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Q: What are Bamboo variables?

When creating plans in Bamboo, variables can be used to make values available. Bamboo evaluates build-specific variables dynamically during the build process. Plan variables, like global variables, are defined for specific plans. Plan variables take precedence over global and project variables of the same name.


Q: What are Bamboo Plan variables?

A plan variable is defined for a single plan and has the same value every time that plan is built. If you'd like to define a variable that applies to all plans rather than just one, create a global variable.

Q: How to define a plan variable?

  1. To get to the plan you would like to edit, go to Dashboard, then All Plans, then the name of the plan in the list.
  2. Select Actions -> Configuration Plan.
  3. Navigate to the Variables tab.
  4. Plan variables can be added, updated , or deleted as needed.
    • Once you've entered the key and value for a new variable, click Add to add it.
    • As you move between cells in the table, updates to existing rows will be saved.
    • To delete a variable, click the cross icon. Bamboo will request that you confirm deletion.

Q: How to perform an incident investigation in Bamboo?

Integrate Bamboo with Opsgenie to give your incident response teams the ability to quickly investigate deployment-related incidents from Opsgenie.

Q: How do you make a CI CD pipeline in bamboo?

In Bamboo, a CI-CD pipeline must be created, which is triggered whenever a new commit is made to the Bit-bucket repository. Create another task that will create an image from a Docker file. The docker file will be extracted from the bitbucket repository and a docker image would be created from it.

Q: What are Bamboo Plugins?

A Bamboo plugin is a single JAR file that contains code, an XML plugin descriptor, and typically a few Freemarker template files to render HTML.

The plugin descriptor is the only required component of the plugin. It should be named atlassian-plugin.xml and placed in the root directory of your JAR file.

Every plugin is made up of one or more plugin modules. These are of various types (like, a report or a post-build action), and each has its own XML element that describes it. Each module is outlined below, along with the XML element that is needed for it.
Sample descriptor:

<!-- the plugin key must be unique, think of it as the 'package' of the plugin -->
<atlassian-plugin key="com.atlassian.plugin.sample" name="Example Plugin">
    <!-- a short block describing the plugin itself -->
        <description>textual description of the plugin</description>
        <!-- the version of the plugin -->
        <!-- the versions of the application this plugin is for -->
        <application-version min="3.0" max="3.0"/>
        <!-- details of the plugin vendor -->
        <vendor name="Atlassian Software Systems Pty Ltd"

    . . . 1 or more plugin modules . . .

Q: What are various types of Bamboo Plugins?

Bamboo supports the following types of plugin modules:

  1. Build Lifecycle Plugin Modules
  2. Notification Plugin Modules
  3. Bamboo Event Listeners
  4. User Interface Plugin Modules
  5. System Plugin Modules
  6. Other Plugin Modules

Q: How to Deploy a Bamboo Plugin?

After you've downloaded or created your plugin jar, proceed as follows:

  1. Close Bamboo and copy '$MY COOL PLUGIN.jar' into '.../webapp/WEB-INF/lib/'.
  2. Launch Bamboo. Your plugin should be installed and activated automatically.

Q: How to Test your Bamboo plugin?

  1. Bamboo plugins are not dynamically loadable. They should be installed in Bamboo's WEB-INF/lib directory, and the application must be restarted. The Atlassian Plugin Maven Archetypes include a plugin-debug profile that makes testing your plugin simple. executing the below command:
  2. mvn -Pplugin-debug
  3. This would compile the classes in your plugin, create a jar in the /target directory, download a copy of the Bamboo war, copy the plugin jar into Bamboo's WEB-INF/lib directory, and start up Bamboo. Maven will also include some pre-installed data, such as the licence and database configuration.
  4. Bamboo will be available at http://localhost:1990/bamboo, where you can view your most recent changes in your browser. You will be able to log in using the username admin and password admin.

Q: How to schedule a bamboo job?

One of the methods for triggering builds in Bamboo is to use a cron-based schedule to trigger the build of a plan. The Schedule editor is used to create this schedule. The schedule can be daily (times per day), weekly (days per week), monthly (days per month), or cron-based.

Use a cron expression to schedule a plan build:

  1. Choose Build > All build plans from the Bamboo menu.
  2. Help find the plan in the list and click the edit icon () to open the configuration pages for the plan.
  3. Select the Triggers tab, then either an existing trigger or the Add trigger button.
  4. Can choose the Scheduled trigger type from the drop-down menu.
  5. Fill a trigger description if desired.
  6. To open the Schedule editor, click the edit icon () next to the current schedule.
  7. To specify the build schedule for your plan, use the Schedule editor.
  8. Select the Save trigger option.

Q: How to configure Bamboo with Subversion?

Configure a Subversion source repository by going through the following steps:

  1. Navigate to a linked repository, plan, or job's repository configuration.
  2. Choose Build resources > Linked repositories from the Bamboo header.
  3. Choose Add repository.
  4. Choose your repository type from the drop-down menu as below:
    • Bitbucket (for Bitbucket Cloud)
    • Stash (for Bitbucket Server)
    • Git
    • GitHub (for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise)
    • Mercurial
    • Subversion
    • Perforce
  5. Select Add repository to create a new repository or Edit repository configuration to modify an existing repository.
  6. Select Subversion from the list of Source repositories.
  7. Provide Display name to help Bamboo identify the repository.

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