Top Appdynamics Interview Questions (2024) | TechGeekNext

Top Appdynamics Interview Questions (2024)

  1. What is Appdynamics ?
  2. What are app agents in Appdynamics?
  3. What is flow map in Appdynamics?
  4. What is Appdynamics node?
  5. What are Tiers in Appdynamics?
  6. What is the difference between AppDynamics and Dynatrace?
  7. What is a Standalone Machine Agent in Appdynamics?
  8. How to monitor servers using Appdynamics?
  9. How do users display or get the total number of calls for a Business Transaction over the duration of a 24-hour period?
  10. Which Rest APIs are supported by Apdynamics?
  11. What is OpenTelemetry in Appdynamics?
  12. Is an OpenTelemetry exporter available for Appdynamics?
  13. How to obtain AppDynamics Reports from Appdynamics Servers?

Q: What is Appdynamics?

The AppDynamics Business iQ tool assists in the creation of dashboards that automatically link application performance to business outcomes. AppDynamics provides a streamlined, integrated solution for visualizing, monitoring, and managing all of your application's components.

Q: What are app agents in Appdynamics?

The most common application frameworks and services are automatically discovered by AppDynamics app agents. Agents capture app data and metrics to create flow maps using built-in application detection and configuration parameters.

Q: What is flow map in Appdynamics?

A flow map is a visual representation of the components of your application that helps you understand how data moves between them. A simple e-commerce application's business transaction flow map, for example, depicts data flowing across web services, message queues, and databases.

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Q: What is Appdynamics node?

A monitored server or JVM in the application environment corresponds to a node in the AppDynamics model. The smallest unit of the model environment is a node. A node may relate to an individual application server, JVM, CLR, PHP application, or Apache Web server, based on the agent type.

In the AppDynamics model, each node identifies itself. The name of the node, tier, and business application under which the agent reports data to the Controller is specified while configuring the agent.

Q: What are Tiers in Appdynamics?

In the AppDynamics design, a tier is a unit made up of a collection of one or more nodes. The way you organise tiers is determined by your environment's conceptual model.

Only one constraint applies: all nodes in a single tier must be of the same type. That is, a tier cannot contain agents of different types, such as.NET and Java nodes.

The flow of traffic between tiers in a business application is represented by lines on a flow map that are tagged with performance data.

Q: What is Entity in Appdynamic?

Every entity that AppDynamics monitors, such as an application, tier, node, or even a business transaction, is referred to as an entity. Metrics, events, and a health state are usually associated with entities.

Q: What is the difference between AppDynamics and Dynatrace?

Dynatrace's agents are meant to capture limited stack traces for every transaction execution, whereas AppDynamics has chosen the anomaly diagnostic technique, which means that more comprehensive stack traces are only captured when a performance baseline or threshold is breached.

Q: What is a Standalone Machine Agent in Appdynamics?

The Machine Agent (Standalone Machine Agent) captures basic hardware metrics. The Machine Agent is a Java programme with an extensible design that allows you to add your own custom metrics to the basic metrics given in the AppDynamics Controller UI.

The Machine Agent provides the following functionality:

  1. Reporting basic hardware metrics from the server's OS, for example, CPU% and memory utilization, disk and network I/O
  2. Reporting metrics passed to the Controller by extensions
  3. Running remediation scripts for policy actions
  4. Running JVM Crash Guard
Each App Agent licence purchased includes one Machine Agent licence. This Machine Agent can only be installed on the same machine as the App Agent.

Q: How to monitor servers using Appdynamics?

To monitor, we will need the AppDynamics Controller and an AppDynamics Machine Agent installed on the machine. Users need to specify the controller's URI in the Machine-Agent configuration, and the agent begins reporting machine metrics to the controller. Then users can set alarms, view stats, make dashboards, and so on.

Q: How do users display or get the total number of calls for a Business Transaction over the duration of a 24-hour period?

  1. Load Dashboard in Edit Mode
  2. Click "Add Widget"
  3. Click "Metric Value"
  4. Click "Select a Metric"
  5. Specify the Application and BT in top 2 sections
  6. In next section click "Select a Metric"
  7. Click "Calls per Minute" / "Select Metric"
  8. Change "Value" to "Sum" in dropdown
  9. optional - Use the "Use Widget-Specific Time Range" option in the main widget edit screen to set the time range to 24 hours (else the dashboard time range will be used for the widget)
  10. Click "Save"
Dashboard widget documentation is available at

Q: Which Rest APIs are supported by Apdynamics?

The AppDynamics APM Platform exposes a number of APIs for customising and extending its functionalities, both on the platform (through the Controller and Events Service) and on the agent side.

All AppDynamics APIs that are currently available are documented here:

Q: What is OpenTelemetry in Appdynamics?

OpenTelemetry is a new framework for improved observability that allows you to standardise how telemetry data, such as logs, metrics, events, and traces, are gathered and delivered to your preferred backend platform.

OpenTelemetry, as an emerging standard for cloud-native monitoring, will extend AppDynamics' market-leading full stack observability into a broader set of systems, boosting traditional AI and ML capabilities.

Q: Is an OpenTelemetry exporter available for Appdynamics?

OpenTelemetry is not accessible for on-premises Controllers.

To use AppDynamics OpenTelemetry, we must have a SaaS Controller version greater than 21.2.0 and an active AppDynamics Pro edition licence.
For more information refer

Q: How to obtain AppDynamics Reports from Appdynamics Servers?

In general, the workflow for sending AppDynamics reports is as follows:

  1. Make a Custom Dashboard:
  2. Add Widgets to Dashboard with the tables, charts, and other elements we wish to view in your report -
  3. We can now send a report (one-time or scheduled) by configuring a report based on the Dashboard you built, including specifying the report's time range -
  4. There is a sample custom dashboard available. We can started with some sample json:
  5. We can also utilize Appdynamics Api as given here in doc- Public API's available here:

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